Riley Lesh
Riley was born on March 2, 2002. Her due date was June 9, 2002. She was born 15 weeks early and was 1lb 10oz at birth. She was 13" long. She spent 90 days in the NICU at Riley Hospital, then was seen by developmental peds for an additional 18 months. She still goes there for her well-child checkups by general peds.
While in the NICU, she had surgery at two weeks to close her patent ductus arteriosis (PDA). She was on a ventilator for a month, weaned to a bi-pap, then a nasal cannula. She came home on oxygen. She also had trouble eating. Her first meal was less than a tablespoon of milk. We tried feeding her with a bottle at three months, but she was not ready. She came home with a nasogastric tube for feeding. Today, she is a healthy 19 year old.
In 2014, she served as the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Champion for the State of Indiana, representing Riley Hospital for Children.