Nya Rigdon


I began to get ill around September of 2016. No one in Fort Wayne knew what was going on. I was left bed ridden for days at a time. When I tried to get up, my legs collapsed beneath me. I lost the ability to use them. I eventually was sent to Riley’s. I spent a month at Riley's Children’s hospital and they diagnosed me with conversion disorder. A condition that causes physical problems to arise due to mental problems such as anxiety. With Riley's amazing therapy and encouragement from staff, they literally and figuratively got me back onto my feet. I was no longer in a wheelchair and could go back to school. I was fine for awhile then my symptoms began again. Except this time, my legs were paralyzed. No pin, prick, or touch of an ice cube had any affect on me. I just didn't feel it. We went back to Riley and they suggested I have physical therapy in Fort Wayne. It helped me immensely. I was able to walk again after a few months, despite not feeling some parts of my legs, and I felt like I had gotten my life back. However, I then developed a new symptom called hyperacusis (it makes regular sounds sound very loud). Someone opening a bag of chips made me scream in pain. I wasn't able to return to school due to these impositions. I spent most of 8th grade at home. I was able to go back the last day to see my friends and be able to walk across the stage for our 8th grade graduation into high school. I also deal with the POTS, vertigo, and asthma daily. The POTS causes me to pass out frequently, the vertigo leaves me severely dizzy, and the asthma makes it hard to breathe as you can imagine. There aren't any implications that suggest anything will arise, so it's a day to day battle waking up and wondering if I can speak, walk, or even leave the house. I've also been recently diagnosed with new condition. A rare connective tissue disorder called Ehlers Danlos syndrome, (EDS). It causes immense joint pain from head to toe and can leave me bed-ridden for days. There is no cure, only ways to make it less painful. My name is Nya Isabella Rigdon, I am only 14 years old, and yet it seems as if the world is trying to push me down; I still stand. Stronger than ever before to face the challenges of the days to come.